Tuesday, January 15, 2008

what's in a wallet

Walking to my next class at college I notice a wallet lying on the ground. I look around, but there is no one around. For some reason I open it up instead of taking it to the lost and found. The first thing I notice is how organized it is. On one side of the wallet there is a bank card and a credit card and on the other side are various grocery store cards. There is some cash in the wallet organized from smallest to largest. There are pictures of a little girl and a young woman. A car key is in one of the pockets. I then see the driver’s license and realize it is my wallet and it must have fallen out of my pocket.
My wallet tells a lot about me; what I do, where I shop and what is important to me. It’s very organized but not because I am an organized person. I am absent minded and if I didn’t keep it in order I would never be able to find anything. I keep a spare car key for those times I lock my keys in the car, which mostly happens when the car is running. I always look for the best deal when grocery shopping so I have numerous club cards. I have pictures of my daughter and my girlfriend.
If someone was to look in my wallet they would assume I was very organized, possible to the point of a perfectionist. My wallet is very functional with only a few pictures of my loved ones but no other personally items. My wallet doesn’t show just how disorganized I am. It’s a plain black wallet that lacks emotion and personality, which is something I seem to have plenty of.

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