Friday, February 9, 2007

My Bike

One day my best friend Tom and I decided it was time for some mindless destruction. I had an old bike. Both of the tires were flat so we took them off. We began to ride it down the hill by Tom’s house on the rims. There were some sparks and we tipped over a lot, it was great. After a while of riding the bike we began to get bored. We stopped to take a moment to contemplate what to do. About the only time that we ever stopped to think was when we were trying to find something more stupid and dangerous to do. Having come up with a plan, we set to work. We took off both rims and tried pushing the bike down the hill. That brilliant idea only resulted in the bike flipping over. Scratching our heads and rubbing the bruises, we decided to put the front rim back on. With the front rim in place we would not have to worry about flipping over and we could attain a much higher speed…speed is good. I was sitting on the bike while Tom pushed the bike. We were surprised by how fast the bike went down the hill. It was very hard to control but we did not care. The sparks shooting off from the metal contacting the concrete almost set his shoes on fire. With this discovery only one word would suffice, cool. With a sort of Bevis and Butthead laugh included. We spent hours riding that bike down the hill. It is amazing how much metal melted off that bike. The part where the back tire was bolted on melted all the way off. That was the reason we finally stopped. We couldn’t go more then a foot before tipping over. To this day that hill still has tracks ground in the concrete from our day of destruction.


Starfish said...

Some people would think that you grew out of this as you got older...but you haven't, you just use bigger toys now.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.